Strike Back is an action, espionage, military television series produced by Sky 1 (UK) and Cinemax (USA). The film is based on a series of novels by Chris Ryan, a former SAS (British Special Forces) officer. The film has several seasons and revolves around the activities of an international counter-terrorism task force.
*Strike Back* follows the two main characters, Michael Stonebridge (played by Philip Winchester) and Damien Scott (played by Sullivan Stapleton). Stonebridge is an SAS officer, while Scott is a former US special forces soldier who was previously discharged from the army for inappropriate behavior.
The two are partnered in a special task force of “Section 20,” an elite counter-terrorism unit operating in many countries around the world. Their mission is to prevent terrorist plots, international crimes, and threats to global security. Throughout the seasons, they face major threats from terrorist organizations, wars, and tense confrontations.
The series features intense action scenes, intense combat, and dangerous situations where the characters not only fight against enemies but also face psychological issues, friendship, and betrayal. Throughout the seasons, Stonebridge and Scott develop a special team relationship, despite their different personalities and work methods.