Get ready for the return of one of Dr. Seuss’s most iconic characters in The Lorax 2 (2026), the highly anticipated sequel to the 2012 animated hit The Lorax. This new adventure continues the story of Ted Wiggins (voiced by Zac Efron) and the environmental hero, The Lorax (voiced by Danny DeVito), as they join forces once again to protect the world’s precious natural resources. Directed by Chris Renaud, The Lorax 2 promises to bring even more heart, humor, and eco-friendly messages for a new generation.
The story picks up several years after the events of The Lorax (2012), where Ted Wiggins, now a young adult, has helped revive the once-barren world of Thneedville. With trees growing again and nature thriving, it seems like a utopian paradise. However, peace is fleeting. The people of Thneedville, having grown accustomed to the ease of artificiality, begin to take nature for granted once again. The Once-ler (voiced by Ed Helms) is still living in seclusion, but there are whispers of new industrial threats looming on the horizon.
A new villain, Greedella Green, a corporate magnate with plans to commercialize and “improve” nature for profit, emerges as the primary antagonist. Greedella’s technology is advanced enough to artificially create “nature” without the need for trees, and she plans to flood the market with synthetic eco-products that could drive the real natural world into extinction.
Ted, now more environmentally conscious and determined to preserve the work his grandfather did, must rally together with The Lorax and his friends to stop Greedella before she turns the entire planet into a fake paradise that lacks true life. Alongside Audrey (voiced by Taylor Swift), who has become an influential voice for environmental activism, Ted leads a quest to find and restore the last unspoiled corner of nature—a mythical forest said to be the source of the world’s most precious natural resources.
This mission takes Ted, Audrey, and The Lorax on a global adventure where they encounter various magical and strange environments—some of which are untouched by Greedella’s influence, while others are already at risk of being destroyed. The adventure will see Ted growing into a true leader, learning from The Lorax and discovering what it truly means to fight for nature, community, and sustainability.