In Happy Gilmore 2, Adam Sandler returns as the beloved Happy Gilmore, now a retired golf legend who has been living a quiet life. However, his peaceful retirement is interrupted when a new, arrogant young golfer challenges his legacy, claiming to be the “new face of golf.” Happy, reluctant at first, is drawn back into the world of competitive golf to defend his title and prove that he still has what it takes. Along the way, Happy teams up with his old mentor, Chubbs Peterson’s protégé, and reconnects with his family, including his now-grown son, who has inherited his father’s fiery spirit. The film is packed with hilarious training montages, emotional family moments, and a climactic showdown on the golf course that blends comedy and heartwarming drama.
The production of Happy Gilmore 2 was backed by a significant budget of $80 million, allowing for high-quality visuals, a star-studded cast, and top-tier production design. The film is expected to generate substantial revenue, with early projections estimating a net income of over $200 million globally, thanks to Netflix’s massive subscriber base and Adam Sandler’s enduring popularity. The sequel is poised to become one of the most successful comedy films of the year.